One day transferring plus one day rest, 3:00pm 12th May, 2018 FIDE women’s world chess championship match started its 2nd half game inside Chongqing Sun Kingdom Hotel.
Today in the 6th game, the current champion Tan Zhongyi finally won after 6 hours fierce battle with the challenger Ju Wenjun. That makes the score to 2.5:3.5. 
Today, Ju Wenjun plays White. Today’s game started with Catalan opening. That reminds us their 3th game. Tan Zhongyi made some changes today at 4th move, that made them two sides an equal status. However Ju Wenjun missed to take a pawn 19. Qxb7, which is actually worth a try. Later she didn’t play 22. f4, that conforms to her advantaged status and simple opinion. Tan Zhongyi was 2 scores behind back then, so she was more active, and accumulated some advantages step by step. Last move before 1st time limit, Ju Wenjun made a big mistake, 40.Bf1, lost one pawn. That gave Tan Zhongyi the opportunity to gain more advantages, found out Ju Wenjun’s sticking point, and won the victory on 125th move. Today’s game last 6 hours, it is the longest in this match till now.
  At the post game conference, Ju Wenjun says she didn't see 19. Qxb7. Tan Zhongyi believes will get compensations if sacrifice the pawn, so better to fight. Ju Wenjun felt the threaten at 40th move, but the time is running out only 10 seconds left, no time for calculating future possibilities after 40.f4, so even she knew was gonna lose f3 pawn but still went for Bf1. In the Queen rook ending, they two have different opinions, Ju Wenjun believes that rook ending will give black more chance to win, Tan Zhongyi believes the Queen rook ending is a more difficult task for her competitor, and the defence is not easy in reality, and she actually did that way.
  Photos by:Xiaolong
Today is the first game at Tan Zhongyi’s hometown. Tan Zhongyi gains the victory after the long battle. She says herself didn't act good enough in previous game but will do her best in future games. Ju Wenjun says will adjust state and get use to the surrounding in Chongqing, be ready to fight. 3:00pm 13th May Beijing time will be the time for their 7th game.
Report and Photos by:Gu Xiaobing